Sunday, May 11, 2014

                                           Venus Characteristics
   Venus surface is very smooth (it doesn't have craters). This planet has 0 moons .Venus is hot because it has a very thick atmosphere. Venus atmosphere is much thicker than Earth. This planet was named after a Roman Goddess of love and beauty . Venus iameter is 2,100 km. Its length in days is 224 days and 5,832 is hours . It's average distance from the sun is 67,240,000 m (108,2000,000 km) . This planet was discovered in 1633 . Did you know that if you weighed 100 lbs in Earth , you would weigh 136 pounds in venus . It's hottest temperature is 462 celsius . Venus mass is 4.86732 kg . In addition , Venus is a planet with no rings .                      
                                 15 Interesting Facts     

 1.There are more volcanoes on Venus than on any other planet in the solar system. 
  2. A day on Venus lasts 243 Earth days. 
  3.  Its atmosphere is made of carbon dioxide.
  4.The air pressure on the surface of Venus is extreme . 
  5. Venus has been a target of observation for millennia. 
  6. A day on venus lastest longer than a year . 
  7 . Venus features no liquid  water . 
  8. The surface on Venus is often describe as a "stormy dessert " 
  9. Venus is the hottest world in the solar system .   
 10 . Venus is the only planet that turns clockwise . 
 11 . Venus is the brightest planet viewed from Earth .
 12.Probes have landed on Venus . 
 13. There are no known satellites of Venus . 
 14 . Venus age is 4.5 billion years . 
 15.Venus has a huge greenhouse effect .

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